Kolonel (Purn) dr. Tubagus Erwin Kusuma, SpKJ pada tahun 1967 lulus dari Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga. Kemudian beliau menyelesaikan pendidikan di bidang Psikiatri Umum pada tahun 1980, dan selanjutnya mengambil spesialisasi di bidang Psikiater Anak & Remaja.
Beliau mendalami Kesehatan Mental Spiritual pada International Association of Spiritual Psychiatry (IASP) dan World Spiritual University di Madhuban, India.
Selama kurun waktu 1989 s/d 1996, beliau menjabat sebagai Kepala Departemen Kesehatan Jiwa (Psikiatri) di RSPAD (Rumah Sakit Pusat Angkatan Darat) Gatot Subroto, Jakarta.
Beliau juga memiliki berbagai kegiatan lain, seperti:
• Konsulen Departemen Kesehatan Jiwa RSPAD Jakarta
• Dosen Hipnosis Kedokteran Bagian Psikiatri FK-UI
Di samping sebagai praktisi Psikiatri, beliau aktif memberikan ceramah dan pelatihan di bidang Psikiatri Umum, Psikiatri Anak & Remaja, Hipnosis Kedokteran Dasar (Basic) dan Lanjutan (Advanced) serta Psikiatri Spiritual. Beliau juga mengembangkan program auto-hypnosis Kesehatan untuk kalangan non-kesehatan, hypno-slimming dan hypno-parenting, khususnya di klinik Pro V sejak tahun 1998.

Lahir di Flores tahun 1959, lulusan Akademi Pendidikan Katekis, Flores pada tahun 1982 dan meraih gelar Sarjana dari Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (IISIP) pada tahun 1988. Beliau memiliki banyak pengalaman dalam dunia media, khususnya media cetak, hingga saat ini beliau merupakan Pemimpin Redaksi Investor Daily, Suara Pembaruan dan Majalah Investor. Beliau memiliki gelar Certified Wealth Manager dari Erasmus University dan Universitas Gajah Mada dan hingga saat ini aktif mengikuti berbagai kursus di bidang Pasar Modal, Perbankan, Asuransi, Moneter, Fiskal, Industri, Perdagangan, Migas, Pertanian, Kehutanan, Ketenagakerjaan dan Pertambangan. Beliau mulai bergabung dengan PT. Star Pacific Tbk. sebagai Direktur sejak April 2009.

Sales and Marketing Director
McHunson Consultant
April 2011 – Saat ini (3 tahun 8 bulan)Jakarta
PT McHunson Indonesia (“McHunson Consultant”) was established with the mission in providing committed service to its clients by providing intelligent and integrated consultation and developing an atmosphere for its employees that celebrates and promotes collaboration, responsiveness and entrepreneurialism.
Head of Business Development
Zurich Life Insurance Co. Ltd Hong Kong
November 2009 – Maret 2011 (1 tahun 5 bulan)
Due Diligent Team Leader during Zurich Global Life acquisition process and working closely with the M&A team in Zurich Global Life Home Office in Switzerland and Regional office in Hong Kong.
Working closely with Risk Management team in Zurich on the project to indicate any potential risk might occur in the project and future business
Take a leading role as Operation Work Stream Leader during the implementation process and responsible to the entire Operation Strategy and Planning to fully operational.
Responsible in developing the integrated Operation Plan for the new company by closely coordinates the entire strategy with other related work streams.
Leading the integration process in Operation Department to ensure the efficient and effective integration between the acquired company to Zurich’s operation model
Head of A & H
ACE INA Insurance
Juni 2008 – Agustus 2009 (1 tahun 3 bulan)Jabodetabek , Indonesia
Responsible to the development of Accident & Health in Direct Marketing, Brokerage (Corporate Segment, Travel Insurance and Worksite Marketing distribution channel)
Conception the marketing and operation strategy to achieve the targeted economic profit goal
Managing multi distribution channels
Managing high level service and continues business expansion with new and existing banking and non banking sponsors
Managing high level service and policy holders’ loyalty
Managing 25 staffs and 90 telemarketers
Vice President Business Developement
Swiss Reinsurance Company Singapore
Juli 2005 – Mei 2008 (2 tahun 11 bulan)Singapura
Responsible to South East Asia Business Development
Establish and meet economic profit goal
Handle opportunities, submissions and offers for new and renewal business
Provide general risk management assistance and support to clients as required
Define, implement and execute a marketing strategy for client portfolio
Developing and providing clients with strategy and consultation on new distribution channel development such especially on Corporate and Bancassurance businesses development.
Resolve issues that affect the broader client relationship
Development of production planning
Responsible in business data management
Implementation of branding initiatives
Vice President Corporate Distribution
Manulife Indonesia
Juni 1995 – Juni 2005 (10 tahun 1 bulan)Jabodetabek , Indonesia
As President Director of PT. Indras Insan Jaya Utama – a DPPK (Employer Pension Fund) administration company, a member company of PT AJ Manulife Indonesia – consist of 12 employees
Head of Corporate Sales Division (responsible in sales result for all Employee Benefit products from range of distribution channels)
Head of Group Life Health Operation Division (consist of Claim, Administration, Underwriting & Customer Service Departments)
Responsible in developing and managing multi distribution channels (Direct Sales, Agency, Bancassurance, Brokerage)
Responsible in promoting Employee Benefit products to public
Leading the Employee Benefit product development
Responsible in Employee Benefit Division economic profit
Responsible in delivering a continues high level service to the policy holder & participants
Member of Investment Committee for Savings & Pension products
Direct report: 1 Assistance Sales Director, 1 Operation Director, 1 Training & Development Manager, 1 Sales Administration Manager, with total head count in sales area of 40 people and 84 people in operation, agency distribution channels consist of ± 4,000 agents and managers in 37 cities all over Indonesia
Special assignment:
Team Leader in client retention project on ING Insurance acquisition (2003) and John Hancock merger (2004) and member of Human Resources, Communication, Client Relation and Group Product committees in 2 different acquisition activities within 2003 and one merger project in 2004.

Legal Specialist
Oktober 2012 – saat ini E-Trade Building, Jl. Wahid Hasyim no. 5, Jakarta
Ground Flight Instructor
Asosiasi Pilot Garuda Flying School
September 2011 – saat ini, Subic Bay, Phillipines
Managing Director
Maret 2011 – saat ini, Jakarta Timur
Christian University of Indonesia
Maret 2011 – saat ini, Jakarta
University of Krisnadwipayana
Juni 2008 – saat ini, Jatiwaringin
University of Indonesia
2010 – Oktober 2011
Transport Safety Investigator
Januari 2000 – Oktober 2008
Universitas Indonesia (UI)
master of law, business law
1991 – 1994
Labschool Rawamangun
senior high, Science
1977 – 1979
Gelar Kehormatan dan Penghargaan Lainnya
Received scholarships from American Field Service, 1986.
Received scholarships from Ausaid, 2000.
Received scholarships from Singapore Aviation Academy, 2005